Monday, August 23, 2010

meet leah and steven.

i had such a wonderful time taking pictures with these two! their love is so evident and even though it was hotter than hot, they were troopers. "I have found the one my heart loves." (-Song of Solomon 3:4) congrats to both of you! :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Here’s the spin on my life.

It’s true I would love to be a teacher, mother and wife.
But my real dream lies somewhere beyond these simple truths
Somewhere deep down is a passion that spins,
It’s to live my life behind a lens.
To capture the beauty that seems to be aloof.

Travel the world, with my camera in hand and just be.
Then, put it on display for all to see.
Click, click, click…
I’m frantically snapping away,
To get one great shot of the kids as the play.
These sounds are what make my heart song tick.

I know this seems like a long shot and out of reach,
But I love it, like a crab loves the beach.
Dream big is what I was told.
So I shut my eyes and prayed to Jesus,
I asked him to make this not seem so enormous.
He said, “My child, my daughter, go capture my beauty as it unfolds.