Tuesday, September 28, 2010


i had a moment tonight. this picture not only makes my heart happy looking at it but it makes me think of how truly blessed i am. i know, its so cliche to say that but its so true. im blessed beyond what i deserve. im blessed to have air in lungs and a roof over my head. im blessed to have incredible people that flood my life with encouragement and joy and love. im blessed to know and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. im just downright blessed. im overwhelmed with gratefulness right now. all from a simple picture. i need times like these.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

wedded bliss.

This past weekend my brother got married. It was a beautiful wedding and I was honored to be a part of such a joyous celebration. Kaleb and Lucy, i wish you all the best and many wonderful years together. Lucy welcome to the family! Try to keep Kaleb in line for us. Love you both.


Friday, September 10, 2010

with age...

comes beauty. this is my great grandparents Retina Kodak camera from around 1959. its old and worn but i find it beautiful. i wish i could sit down with my pappy and meme and talk about the places this camera has been. when i get to heaven i'll have to ask.