Friday, November 26, 2010

one day.

"I want to go some place where I can marvel at something."

my dream is simple. i want to see the world in all its beauty. my heart longs for this...longs to see buildings that are centuries old. longs to see landscape that takes my breath away. longs to eat foods that take my taste buds on a roller coaster ride. longs to be engulfed in new culture. longs to meet new, exciting people. longs to tell people about a love that can change your life and a man that sticks closer than a brother. longs to see children learn. longs to learn from children. i want to experience the unknown. the idea of this scares me to death but thrills me at the same time. using education as my outlet. my outlet into the most foreign and unreached places of the world. teach precious babies and show them the love of Jesus. i'm desperate for this. one day...i will figure out how to make it happen. one day...Jesus will figure out a way to make it happen. one day.

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